My son Asher was born in Wisconsin, April of 2006 at a whopping 9lbs 11oz. With in the first two weeks of his life, he was hospitalized with the onset of pneumonia and his first double ear.
infection. What we didn’t know, was that this was the first of many. Through out his first year of life, we were at his pediatrician weekly to biweekly with constant ear infections & excessive fluid in his ears.
He was miserable, and most of his firsts were accompanied with the dreaded ear infection. When he was 9 months old, he received his first set of ear tubes. This was the beginning of 4 sets of tubes in a matter of 5 years accompanied by an abundance of both oral antibiotics and steroid/antibiotic ear drops. It was unbearable for him some days.
Flash forward through years of tubes, antibiotics, T-tubes, speech delays, diet restrictions, allergy medications, home remedies, oils, reading and comprehension delays, permanent hearing loss and his 5th round of tubes, we met some who asked me if I had ever tried the chiropractor for him. Now, at this time Asher was scheduled to get his 6th set of tubes. Back in his toddler years when I was pregnant with his sister, I had taken him a few times, but gave up quickly as he continued with his ear infections. I’m thinking, he’s older now and nothing else has worked, so why not give it a chance. I had met this bubbly marketing lady at one of my work events who ended up being the wife of a local chiropractor, Dr Bucur, (AKA Dr Bill) at Greenway Cotton Chiropractic in Surprise.
I was skeptical, but really just wanted relief for Asher. We started our treatments in September of 2019. The first several weeks he still had fluid and ear pain, but we stayed consistent with three appointments per week. He ended up with an ear infection in early December and I was starting to feel like maybe this isn’t going to work. Dr. Bill kept telling me not to lose hope, and to stick with it. Asher enjoyed going as Dr Bill is a pretty funny guy and it made him feel better.
Low and behold that December 2019 ear infection was the last ear infection that Asher has had! We went from monthly/ bi-monthly ear infections though his childhood to tween years to no ear infections. Asher still gets ear pain and fluid, but within a day of his adjustment he is feeling better. We’ve avoided antibiotics for over 5 months! We are thrilled, and are so thankful for the care we’ve received. Asher goes in weekly for an adjustment, and it seems to be the plan that is working best for us.
~Kelly Sauerbrei
Chronic ear infections can have many side effects, including a speech/language delay. If you have any questions or concerns with your child’s speech or language please give us a call to set up a free screening at our Surprise or Peoria location.