
Employee Spotlight – Briana Weekley

by | Feb 15, 2022 | Employee Spotlight

Interview with Briana

Tell us about yourself

I graduated from Arizona State University with a B.S In Speech & Hearing Sciences. I enjoy spending time with my son & husband, reading, drinking coffee, listening to music & trying/cooking new restaurants/foods.

Why did you become a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant?

I became an SLPA because I loved that I would be helping others find their voice to advocate for their wants & needs. It’s such a wonderful thing to feel heard by others & such a wonderful feeling to have even the smallest part in helping someone advocate for themselves.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being Compassionate?

I hope I was nominated because my coworkers feel how much I genuinely care about them & enjoy helping them. I feel beyond blessed to be around such wonderful people every day.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

I love the collaboration between all therapists & disciplines. I truly feel that I am on a team that works together for the best outcome for the kids we see each day.

If you could have 1 wish come true, what would it be?

Goodness, this is a tricky question. My one wish for myself is to have my dream garden in my backyard where my husband & I could sit & read books with our kids. My one wish for my children is for them to always have faith in God’s plan, to be resilient, grateful, & loving in each day.

Nominations for Briana:

Oh my goodness I could go on for days about Briana and the compassion that she shows others. As a fellow coworker, I have felt her genuine care and concern for my well-being more times than I can count. She is always checking up on people and providing a genuine listening ear.  Her heart is so full of compassion and love for the kiddos that she sees each day. She is such an amazing person!”

“She is so calming and compassionate. I can always count on her to brighten my mood.”

Briana shows her compassion by keeping her calm and soothing personality and voice even when a kid is having a rough day or getting worked up. I can tell she genuinely cares about the kids she works with.”

Briana is the sweetest person! She always says hello to everyone and is always giving compliments. She is so caring and empathetic and I love to be around her!”

Briana has a heart of gold. She is so caring and compassionate!”