
Employee Spotlight – Lisa Hrisko

by | Jul 13, 2022 | Employee Spotlight

Interview with Lisa

Tell us about yourself

My husband and I have 4 great kids and now twin grandsons. We moved here from Chicago 12 years ago to be closer to my family. We are still die hard Cubs, Bears, and Blackhawks fans. In my spare time, I love watching the kids in their various sports and activities and still try to get in some Candy Crush time here and there.

Why did you become a part of our billing team?

When I was hired as part of the admin staff, there was an opening in billing that required someone who was not afraid to be a little loud with insurance companies and fight for what is right. 3 years later, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being Reliable?

I try my best to answer questions, provide training, and do pretty much anything to make things go smoother for everyone that needs help.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

Hands down, my coworkers. We have most compassionate, friendliest, funniest, dedicated people working here.

If you could have 1 wish come true, what would it be?

I wish coffee was the magic weight loss cure.

Nominations for Lisa:

Lisa is always here and ready to lend a helping hand. She shows her reliability by always being ready to teach and work as a team. I know that she is always there for the TEAM.”

“Regardless of what is on her plate for the day, Lisa always asks what she can do to help, what extra project she can take on. I am not sure how she does it but she completes everything that is asked of her. Lisa is my go to and it will be done when she says it will be done and it will be done correctly.”

No matter the task, she always says she will get it done and she does in such a timely manner!”

“She is always there to help when I need something or have a question.”

She answers any of my chats or tasks quickly! Lisa is always willing to offer a helping hand.”