
5 Sign Language Signs Toddlers Should Learn

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Speech | 0 comments

Does your child get frustrated when trying to communicate? Have you tried giving them a communication outlet using sign language? One of the biggest myths about teaching sign language is that it will hinder your child’s verbal communication. This is simply untrue! Sign language provides a way for your child to effectively communicate their wants and needs, which will in turn help to greatly reduce communication frustrations and open up a whole new world of communication. 

We like to start with very functional signs that can be used in everyday communication situations. These are 5 sign language signs that all toddlers should learn: 

  1. More






2. All done

3. Open

4. Eat

5. Help

Starting with the signs for “more”, “all done”, “open”, “eat” and “help” will give your child a variety of ways to communicate what they need throughout the day. 

It can also be beneficial to learn “Please” and “Thank You” when making requests.

6. Please

7. Thank you

When teaching these signs for the first time, repetition, exposure, and practice are key. The more practice your child has the more meaning they will attach to what they are learning. 

Here are simple ways you can implement and teach sign language at home 

During mealtime:

  • they can sign “eat” when they are hungry
  • teach them to request for “more” food
  • request to “open” a snack bag
  • ask for “help” getting food out of the fridge
  • let you know they are finished eating by signing “all done”

These are just a few of the many ways you can incorporate sign language into your day. Remember that practice is key and that children learn best when they learn things through play so feel free to make it as fun as possible.

Happy signing!  If you have any concerns with your child’s language development, call us at TEAM 4 Kids to schedule a speech evaluation.



Julia Kilduff M.S., CCC-SLP  and  Lily Landwehr M.A., CCC-SLP


In the video below, SLP Lily shares the 5 signs that all toddlers should know to reduce frustration and open up a new world of communication.