
A Parent’s Guide to Feeding Teletherapy at Home

by | Mar 1, 2021 | Feeding Therapy

Teletherapy can be a helpful way to continue therapy for your child during this pandemic. However, it can be challenging to make them focus on a computer and ignore their toys, siblings, and the TV for 30-45 minutes. Here are some quick tips on how to set up a successful feeding teletherapy session.

  1. Buckle your child in their highchair, booster seat, or other kid chair at the table with the computer camera pointed at them. Make sure their upper body and plate of food are in the view of the camera.
  2. Remove all distractions from the room and your child’s reach. This includes turning off the TV/iPad, removing toys from the area, having siblings play in a different room out of site of your child, etc. If your child requires toys or activities as motivation during the therapy sessions, place them out of sight and reach so that you can provide them when directed by the clinician.
  3. Prepare an empty plate, bowl, silverware, and napkin and have them in front of your child.
  4. Prepare 2 preferred and 2 non preferred foods for your child and put them on a separate plate so that you can provide them when directed by the clinician.

These are just a few ideas to help you and your child experience a successful feeding teletherapy session. We have a video “Therapy Tip of the Week – Setting up for a Telehealth Feeding Session” on our YouTube channel offering helpful tips to set your child up for success while doing online feeding therapy sessions from home. If you have any questions regarding a specific session set up, please consult with your ongoing feeding therapist.

Whitney Stefanski, M.S. CCC-SLP