
Communication Temptations: Ways for Your Child to Start the Conversation

by | Mar 28, 2022 | Early intervention, Speech

Communication Temptations are a great way to help our little ones develop communicative intent and new language skills. Communication Temptations help create situations for late talkers to be motivated and encouraged to use their communication skills. These situations can also facilitate combining words into two-word phrases, using more adjectives or describing words, and using location words. Communication temptations also allow children who are not talking to begin initiating communication rather than just responding or repeating the words you are saying. Some examples of communication temptations are:

  • Stand by a door, waiting to open it until your child tells you “open”
  • Pretend you don’t know what your child wants; give them the wrong things until they ask for what they want
  • Give your child a desired object inside of something they can’t open without asking for your help
  • Hang onto needed items for an activity; no crayons for coloring book, a bowl of cereal without a spoon
  • Sing a fun or favorite song and stop right at the fun part
  • Do something silly and unexpected like put a toy on your head or a hat on your foot
  • Let your child explore the room. Wait for the child to direct your attention to an object they are interested in

Make sure when you are using communication temptations with your late talker or child who is not talking yet to give them plenty of time to respond! By prompting them, they are able to start the conversation and ask for the things they need. This is key for early language development within social situations.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s development, call T.E.A.M. 4 Kids to schedule an evaluation with our Speech-Language Pathologists!


Dana Messer, MS, CCC-SLP