
Employee Spotlight – Amber Oswald

by | May 18, 2021 | Employee Spotlight

Interview with Amber

Tell us about yourself

I have lived in AZ since finishing my Doctorate at Creighton Medical Center and I love it here! I have two amazing kids who I love spending time with. I enjoy hiking, kayaking and refinishing furniture.

Why did you become a Physical Therapist?

I always knew I wanted to do something in the medical field. I shadowed a PT in high school and loved the one-on-one time she got to spend with her patients. I feel so blessed that there is a place for PT in the pediatric world as I love kids.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being Imaginative?

I’m pretty silly. Through the years I look for ways to keep my patients involved in sessions, and almost always have a toy on my head as a motivator. Just because something drives one person to succeed, it may be very different for the next; and this is even more true with kids.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

I love seeing my coworkers interact and help kids live their best lives. I love seeing growth and pushing limits.

If you had one wish, what would it be?

I would wish to fly!

Nominations for Amber:

“Amber demonstrates an amazing ability to create such an imagination-rich environment for kids during sessions. She jumps right into their world and it’s amazing to watch!”

Amber always finds creative and imaginative ways to get a kiddo to do their PT exercises.”

Her treatment plans are always unique and will help the patient achieve the goal she is working on. She always makes it fun for her kids!”

“Amber is so creative and allows her kid’s to show their imagination through play. Her sessions are always fun and immersive!”