
Employee Spotlight – Colleen Weidner

by | Apr 12, 2021 | Employee Spotlight

Interview with Colleen

Tell us about yourself

I am currently in my Master’s program at Arizona State University and will be finishing up in May of 2022. I plan on sitting for my exam in hopes of becoming a BCBA. I have been in Arizona a little over a year now and plan to never go back to the Midwest! I enjoy trips to Dutch Bros and Target when I am not busy with work or homework. If you ask me about my Frenchie, I will have have a 30 minute conversation with you in addition to showing several pictures. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED, HAHAHA!

Why did you become a Registered Behavior Technician?

Becoming an RBT kind of fell into my lap to be honest. I was recruited at a former job, did my research, and decided to take the leap. I fell in love with seeing all the progress my kiddos made and the bonds we created. These kiddos are so fun and revealing their potential to others, parents, and caregivers makes me never want to leave this field.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for showing silliness?

I think I was nominated for showing silliness because I make songs for EVERYTHING! You can always catch me singing, dancing, talking in voices, and being silly with everyone. It doesn’t matter who is watching.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

I love working at TEAM 4 Kids because of all the opportunity for growth and collaboration between different therapies. I have learned so much since being with the company and appreciate all the coworkers who have helped me along the way.

If you had one wish, what would it be?

Hmmm just one wish is hard, but it would have to be being able to travel more without dealing with all the planning/budgeting. That would be the life if those were taken out of the equation.

Nominations for Colleen:

Colleen is constantly making me and her other co-workers laugh. She is truly one of my favorite people to see when I come into work. She makes the day so much more entertaining and fun!”

She always uses funny voices with her clients to make them laugh!”

Colleen is always in a great mood and makes hilarious jokes.”

“Colleen is hilarious! She has me laughing all day and really makes the clinic so fun!”