
Employee Spotlight – Dana Messer

by | Jun 16, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Dana

Tell us about yourself

I am originally from Washington where I grew up loving to play soccer and snowboard. I now love to hike and play board games with my friends on the weekends.

Why did you become a Speech Language Pathologist?

I became an SLP because my mom encouraged me to job shadow one of her co-workers while I was in high school. I fell in love with the career and completed my undergraduate/graduate studies in communication disorders and never looked back. Thanks, mom!

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being ambitious?

I think my coworkers nominated me because its widely known that I am competitive, even when its only against myself! I enjoy always having a goal in mind and to be continuously working towards it.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

I love working with the kids. It is amazing seeing the growth each kid makes here at TEAM 4 Kids. My coworkers are all pretty fabulous, too!

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?

If I could have one wish come true I would wish that I could teleport so I could visit my family in Washington whenever I wanted and see all the world has to offer without having to sit on an airplane.


Nominations for Dana:

“Dana is always striving to be the best. She participates in many CEUs to increase her knowledge and accepted the position of Feeding Department Lead. I admire her ambition!”

“She is always looking to advance at T4K and within her scope of practice. With hard work and dedication, Dana achieves her goals quickly!”

“Dana is always striving to do and learn more. She works two jobs to pay off her debt faster and is now the feeding department lead. If you look up ambition in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of Dana.”

“Dana is such a hardworking person and she is always striving to learn more and achieve something new. She is always setting goals for herself and working to accomplish them.”

“Dana is passionate about working hard and she is determined to achieve her goals. She works hard to guarantee success for all our kids.”