
Employee Spotlight – Dana Messer

by | Nov 18, 2020 | Employee Spotlight

Interview with Dana

Why did you become a therapist?

I became a therapist because I have always loved to help people reach their full potential. My mom had me job shadow a speech pathologist in high school and I loved watching him work with the kids and knew it was a good fit for me!

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for reliability?

I think I was nominated for being reliable because it has always been important to me to do what I say I will do.

What do you love most about working for TEAM 4 Kids?

What I love most about working for TEAM 4 Kids is the environment. I think our team is the most important part of the company. From admin staff, to therapists, to aides, to Bob and Lisa…. I couldn’t ask for anything more from a company!

If you had one wish, what would it be?

World Peace!

Nominations for Dana:

“She exemplifies reliability in her willingness to volunteer for tasks, work-related or volunteer events, consistently completes her paperwork and encourages others to do likewise, and is always willing to answer questions related to speech or how things are run. She’s a great example!”

“Dana is always around to help me when I need it, and I can count on her for anything. If I ask her a question that she does not have an immediate answer for, she is there the next day with those answers. She is always ready to help and put in some work.”

“Dana is always on top of her game and genuinely cares to help others as well as make TEAM 4 Kids a more positive experience for her kids & coworkers.”

“She is always at work on time. She is reliable for both her patients and co-workers. They can always count on her.”

Dana is always at work on time and willing to help when needed. She seems to always take initiative and shows dedication to her work!”