
Employee Spotlight – Erika I

by | Mar 16, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Erika

Tell us about yourself

When I am not at work, I can be found exploring hiking trails, traveling, and checking out the newest brunch spots. I enjoy spending time with my family, cuddling with my dog, going on adventures, and binge-watching shows on Netflix. I am also a photographer and love meeting new people and capturing their life in photos.

Why did you become a Community Education Coordinator?

I went to college for advertising and photography and I enjoy helping others, so this position was the perfect opportunity to combine all of those passions. I get to share the amazing things that our therapists do daily, celebrate the accomplishments that our kiddos achieve, and show the world why TEAM 4 Kids is the best place to work!

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being innovative?

I think I was nominated for being innovative because I love coming up with new ideas to implement into our marketing strategies and encouraging everyone to participate! I try to share original and creative ideas for promotional material and videos. It is so fun to experiment with different techniques.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

I love that TEAM 4 Kids allows me to be creative and cultivates an environment of imagination. I have been with TEAM 4 Kids for nearly 3 years now and it is my favorite, I can find inspiration every day!

If you could make one wish, what would it be?

I would wish that I could be in 2 places at once.


Nominations for Erika:

I can’t think of anyone more innovative than Erika, she is always coming up with fun and creative ways to promote TEAM 4 Kids!”

Every single time I round table something with Erika, she has a great idea or solution! Just when I think she can’t possibly make another flyer or promotional piece for TEAM 4 Kids that can be any more creative than the last, she does! I feel fortunate to be her co-worker!”

Erika is always coming up with new ideas for social media and giving creative feedback to employees when making videos. She has great ideas on how to make T4K shine!”

Erika is one of the most creative people I’ve come to know. She keeps TEAM 4 Kids going, without her creative and original thinking T4K wouldn’t be what it is today. We can also go to her for any ideas on videos, marketing, social media, or events/situations, and she is 100% all in and will give you the best of ideas.”

She comes up with all the employee spotlight ideas for us to recognize our coworkers and designs all the wonderful signs for upcoming events. She makes sure that attendees and volunteers all have fun.”

“Erika is in charge of our digital marketing and is always coming up with the most creative ways to draw more clients in. She is always coming up with great new ideas!”