
Employee Spotlight – Lisa Herrmann

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Employee Spotlight

Interview with Lisa

Why did you become an Occupational Therapist?

I thought I wanted to be an OT so I could be a certified hand therapist and help people regain use of their hand following injuries, surgeries, and burns. However, after attending grad school and completing my Level II fieldwork rotations, I realized that a good fit for me practicing OT was with pediatrics.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for having integrity?

I think I was nominated for having integrity because I am honest and could never tell a lie or cheat. In fact, I’m horrible at Monopoly Cheaters Edition!

What do you love most about working at TEAM 4 Kids?

I love so many parts about TEAM 4 Kids: from the clients that come week after week and make progress, to the employees that keep the work environment positive and fun.

If you had one wish, what would it be?

My one wish right now is that childrens’ lives can get back to pre-pandemic normalcy so that they have the support and environments to continue learning, growing, and building social relationships.

Nominations for Lisa:

Lisa demonstrates the highest level of integrity at all times.  She is consistently reliable and you know she will follow through with anything she agrees or commits to.  Lisa is honest with her opinions, feelings, and suggestions. She is always 100% invested when engaging with coworkers, giving her undivided attention and making you feel important.  Lisa exemplifies high standards of integrity at all times inspiring others to strive to be as honest and accountable as she.”

Lisa ALWAYS ALWAYS shows integrity with families, employees, business principles etc. She is the most honest person and always follows ethics flawlessly.”

She is always trying to do what is right for the kids and for the employees of T4K”