
Employee Spotlight – Samantha Ariola

by | Dec 28, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Samantha

Tell us about yourself

My name is Samantha Ariola and I have been a Therapy Aide since January of this year, and I love it! In my downtime, I like hanging out with my family and my two French bulldogs. I love traveling and road trips. I am going to Italy in March and can’t wait!

Why did you become a Therapy Aide?

I became a therapy aide because my dream is to become a pediatric Occupational Therapist, and Team 4 Kids seemed to be the perfect company to help learn the ins and outs of occupational therapy while I am in school.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being festive?

I think my coworkers nominated me for being festive because I decorated the TA hallway for the holidays.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

I love the supportive atmosphere at TEAM 4 Kids, everyone here is so kind and genuine. Every time I come in for my shift, I am greeted by some amazing coworkers and the best energy ever.

What is your favorite holiday tradition?

My favorite holiday tradition is making hot chocolate with my family and watching Home Alone while building gingerbread houses.


Nominations for Samantha:

“Samantha goes above and beyond to make sure the clinic feels festive!”

She loves helping decorate for holidays, and participates in theme days!”

She decorates around the clinic and participate in the festivities we do.”

Sam is one of the most festive people I have ever met! She makes and puts up such fun decorations. She takes the time out of her day to provide a festive environment for the clinic. Sam brings such a great and festive energy into the clinic and makes everyone feel the holiday spirit.”

Look at the therapy aide hallway! She created festive decorations, made gift tags with all the employees’ names at the Peoria clinic, stringed colored lights, and is playing christmas music!”