
Employee Spotlight – Whitney Stefanski

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Whitney

Tell us about yourself

I have been teaching kids since I was 16 years old and I have been an SLP for almost 4 years. After college finished, I have loved using my freetime to cook new meals, bake anything sourdough related, and do anything music related. My husband is a professional pianist so I love working and singing with him. I also enjoy game nights with our families.

Why did you become a Speech Language Pathologist?

I initially became an SLP because I love working with kids and found the field fascinating. As I went through school, I realized that I specifically love learning about the human body/human development and how an SLP can support these things in both speech and feeding therapy.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being diligent?

I think my coworkers nominated me because I work hard to be efficient and complete my work tasks in a timely manner. I have set personal goals for myself so that I do not get behind with my paperwork. I also use my other free time to complete tasks that benefit my clients and/or the company.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

I love that TEAM 4 Kids supports my personal and professional goals and passions. They have allowed me to grow our infant feeding program and become a more competent infant feeding therapist.

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?

My wish would be to visit one new place each year! There are so many beautiful and unique places to visit and I would love to travel and see more of the world!


Nominations for Whitney:

“Whitney is detail oriented with all her work and is diligent in every session she does and the kiddos respond so well to her!”

“She’s worked very hard to establish great rapport with all of her families that have unique needs.”

Whitney is always hard working and strives to provide the best treatment sessions and care to her patients and families.”

Whitney is very thorough with everything she does. She puts in 100% effort and goes the extra mile with her families!”