
Interactive Metronome

by | Nov 15, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Interactive Metronome is a therapy tool that engages patients and drives them to improve their clinical outcomes. IM is used by over 15,000 providers in hospitals and clinics throughout the United States and Canada. Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists and other professionals use the IM to accelerate therapy outcomes and exceed traditional clinical expectations.

Interactive Metronome Video Link

Interactive Metronome

About the IM-Home

IM-Home was developed so that IM Providers could help their patients get the benefits of the Interactive Metronome even when they aren’t in the clinic. Providers assign and manage an individualized training plan for their patient through an online therapy management tool called the IM-Home eClinic. The training plan guides the patient to perform specific IM exercises. When the training session is complete the results are uploaded to the eClinic. Providers can view the results and make any modifications needed. Any changes are downloaded for the patient’s next session. Talk to TEAM4Kids to see if your child is a candidate for IM-Home.

How Does IM-Home Work – Video Link

Is IM-Home Right For Me?- Video Link

T.E.A.M 4 Kids


ADHD Study

“A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 9-12 year old boys diagnosed with ADHA found the IM program showed statistically significant improvement in attention, coordination, control of aggression/impulsivity, reading and language processing.” (Greenspan, Shaffer, Tuchman, Stemmer, Jacokes. (2001). Effect of Interactive Metronome rhythmicity training on children with ADHD. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55(2), 155-162.)

ADHD and the Interactive Metronome – Video Link


Motor Control Study

“A comparison of IM-trained special education students to a control group found the IM-trained group improved significantly in motor control and motor coordination as measured by independent assessments.” (Bruininks- Oseretsky and SIPT Motor Accuracy Test) compared to the control group. Parents of the IM-trained group also reported marked improvement in their children’s ability to attend to tasks, read, write and general behavior. (Stemmer, P.M. (1996) “Improving Student Motor Integration by Use of an Interactive Metronome” presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Association in Chicago, IL.)


Reading Study

“A study published in the journal, Psychology in Schools, showed that children completing a training program with Interactive Metronome achieved accelerated reading outcomes. A gain of 7 – 20% in reading achievement was shown in the 49 children whose reading and pre-reading skills were pre and post-tested.” (McGrew, Taub, Keith, (2007). Improvements in interval time tracking and effects on reading achievement. University of Central Florida, Institute for Applied Psychometrics, University of Texas. Psychology in the Schools, 44(8), 849-863.)

T.E.A.M 4 Kids


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