
Dipping into Feeding Therapy

by | Jul 23, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The magic of dips

Some kids with feeding difficulties will eat anything as long as it is dipped in something familiar. As a feeding therapist, I fondly remember a client that ate everything from strawberries to broccoli as long as it was dipped into chocolate first. Although this was not appetizing to me, it was a stepping stone to trying new foods for this child with severe food aversions. Dips allow the child more control during the meal. Even if the child just licks the dip off of the targeted food item, they have created another experience with the non-preferred food. Dips allow the child with a feeding problem to feel the food in their mouth and even get a small taste of the food item that was once difficult to get near their mouth. I have used many different dips and sauces during feeding therapy so try them all and see what works best with your child.

Dip Ideas:

– nutella


– teriyaki sauce

-hot sauce

– jam

– marinara sauce

– cream cheese

-ranch dressing

-nacho cheese

– hummus

-cottage cheese

-BBQ sauce


-tzatziki Sauce


– guacamole

– yogurt

-peanut butter