
Employee Spotlight – Belinda Tirado

by | Feb 15, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Belinda

Tell us about yourself

Hi! I am currently in my last semester of graduate school studying Applied Behavior Analysis in hopes of becoming a BCBA soon! I am from a small border town in Arizona and love visiting whenever I can. I enjoy going on day trips with friends and exploring new places around the city! One fun fact about me is that I am trilingual, I know English, Spanish, and Sign Language.

Why did you become a Registered Behavior Technician?

I always knew I wanted to work with children – they are just so fun to work with and it is so refreshing to see the world through their eyes! I became an RBT to help children improve their day-to-day lives by learning new daily skills and communication skills. I love seeing the progress they make day to day.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being compassionate?

I would like to thank everyone who nominated me – this is so heartwarming, and I really appreciate it! I think my coworkers nominated me for always trying to check in on everyone and asking about how they are doing.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

What I love most about working at TEAM 4 Kids is the work environment and of course, the children I work with! Everyone at TEAM 4 Kids is so nice and always willing to help. It is so easy to talk to other disciplines and ask questions to learn more about other professions. The children I work with make my days so much brighter, I really do love coming to work every day and getting to do what I do for a living.

If you could make one wish, what would it be?

If I had one wish, it would be to be fluent in all languages – how cool would that be?


Nominations for Belinda:

Belinda is ALWAYS asking how others are feeling and makes sure to put a smile on your face when you are not 100%. With her children, Belinda is one of the most compassionate therapists and it’s amazing to see the bond she has with her kids due to her compassion.”

Belinda is one of the kindest people I have met at T4K! She always celebrates every kiddo’s win and is the first person to check in on you. She shows so much care to her clients and will always offer help to everybody!”

Belinda is always checking in on everyone in the clinic and genuinely cares about their response. She is so empathic and gives the best hugs to anyone that is down that day.”

Belinda shows compassion to everyone – coworkers and kids! She puts her client’s needs above her own and takes action to help them. She is also very friendly to others outside of her department and willing to assist however you need. I can tell that she is a great listener and has empathy toward her kids, she is very calming when they are feeling upset.”

She is constantly seeking out advice on what to do to help her kiddos. She cares for them and wants them to do their best.”