
Employee Spotlight – Crystal Reyes

by | May 16, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Crystal

Tell us about yourself

I was born and raised in Arizona! I am a Disney fanatic (my favorite character is Stitch)! I love going on road trips. Family is my #1 motivation!

Why did you become a Patient Care Coordinator?

I became a PCC because I wanted a change. Since starting at Team 4 Kids I have stepped out of my comfort zone in so many ways.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being adaptable?

I think my coworkers nominated me because we deal with change every day and I am always willing to help others adjust to those changes.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

The reason I love working at Team 4 Kids is the environment! Everyone is always so welcoming!

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?

The only wish I have is for my kids to be successful in any path they choose to take.


Nominations for Crystal:

She is always willing to help in all areas of admin. She will help with reception, covers lunches for teammates, and helps new employees find their way around.”

Crystal is always willing to work at different locations when needed and never complains. She adapts well to different positions and is always learning new things.”

She is very reliable and can handle multiple tasks at once! Crystal is willing to help out whenever and wherever she is needed. She never complains about change!”

She is always stepping out of her comfort zone to help in any way she can. She learns to do tasks for other job duties to be well-rounded. Crystal is always willing to take on change.”

Crystal is always moving with the cheese. She is extremely helpful in every aspect. She is always trying new things and helping people with new policies :)”