
Employee Spotlight – Javier Limon

by | Feb 15, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Javier

Tell us about yourself

My name is Javier Limon. I am 25 years old and am Mexican American. I identify as he/him/his. I am a father of a 5-year-old girl and a 2-month-old boy. I am a 2022 graduate of NAU’s Occupational Therapy Doctoral program.

Why did you become an Occupational Therapist?

I became an OT because I have always wanted to help others. Growing up, I always had compassion for those that could not do the things they loved and I tried my best to help them. The story I always tell is of my nana, who is no longer with us. She loved drinking diet Coca-Cola. But she did not have a cup holder in her wheelchair, so it was hard for her to enjoy her drink without asking others to constantly get it for her when she wanted it and to put it down somewhere when she was done. So there I am at 10 years old building her a cup holder. I was excited to let her try it out. The next thing I see is her diet Coca-Cola spilled all over the ground. I worked day and night trying to build her one that worked until I finally did. Overall, this story is just one of many that I have that help to explain why I chose OT as a profession.

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being compassionate?

First of all, thank you to my co-workers that nominated me. I really appreciate it! I think my co-workers nominated me for being compassionate because I show kindness toward others and offer my help whenever I can. That would be my guess!

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

TEAM 4 Kids has helped me learn so many things that I did not even think about before. For example, I did not know we could blow up two balloons and tie them together then put shaving cream between them to help kiddos work on a simulated toileting activity. Just things like this are what I have learned on the job and I am grateful for all the OTs/PTs/SLPs that keep showing me new things and answering all my questions.

If you could make one wish, what would it be?

My one wish would be to get my family a house. I am not even talking about a gigantic mansion, just any house near both of our families.


Nominations for Javier:

Javier is always asking how everyone’s day is going and checking in on people. He shows kindness towards everyone and shows how appreciative he is of his coworkers! “

“He always makes sure kids are enjoying their therapy and feel like they are in a group of friends no matter who’s around”

He always makes everyone smile! Javier is always in a good mood! He always offers to help or asks how everything is going.”

Javier is always kind to people around him and always has a smile on his face. He is always so nice and offers to buy admin drinks at Dutch Bros to show his appreciation. He is always asking everyone how their day is and checking in on everyone to see if they need anything.”

“Javier shows compassion and understanding in every interaction with others!”