
Employee Spotlight – Kayleen Laurendi

by | Jan 19, 2023 | Employee Spotlight | 0 comments

Interview with Kayleen

Tell us about yourself

I am originally from Florida but I went to school in Texas! My boyfriend and I moved to Arizona in August of 2021 because I wanted to live near mountains without a lot of snow. We have a dog named Waylon who we love dearly and we treat him like our child!

Why did you become a Physical Therapist?

I set a goal in 2010 to become both an Athletic Trainer and Physical Therapist with the original plan to work with sport-specific injuries. I received my AT degree in 2017 and my PT degree in 2021, however, it wasn’t until one of my clinical rotations in PT school that I was able to work with children for the first time and I absolutely fell in love with it!

Why do you think your coworkers nominated you for being motivational?

I think I was nominated for being motivational because I enjoy motivating others to become their best self. I always want to leave a positive lasting impression and help support someone’s personal and professional growth.

What do you love most about working with TEAM 4 Kids?

Besides being a part of each kid’s PT journey, I thoroughly enjoy the people I work with and the laughs we all share. I wouldn’t make it through some days without the support they give me!

What is your favorite motivational quote?

“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.”


Nominations for Kayleen:

 “Kayleen is always motivating others to be a great therapist and an even better person! Kayleen will often send me new videos of treatment ideas that can be implemented within the clinic and is always willing to lend a helping hand when needed.”

Kayleen is incredible! I have never seen her give up on anything. She takes tough situations like a champ and doesn’t give up until she finds a solution. On top of all of that, she is incredibly caring. We love you, Kayleen!”

She always checks in when I need assistance. She motivates us to think outside the box for patients. I’m motivated by the different things she does to prepare for the kiddos and new evaluations, and the extra prep she takes. I’ve also heard her specifically motivate older kiddos to help them achieve their goals too.”

Kayleen is always available and willing to lend a hand or ear to listen and assist. She is encouraging in all ways to better each other as people and therapists. Kayleen provides positive encouragement to the kids she sees and her co-workers to reach their goals in their personal and work life. Kayleen is a bright smile that is a joy to work with!”

Kayleen is always motivating us to be our best version! She is constantly looking for ways to improve her treatment technique and personal self-growth! She’s so encouraging to us all.”