
5 Sign Language Signs Toddlers Should Learn

5 Sign Language Signs Toddlers Should Learn

Does your child get frustrated when trying to communicate? Have you tried giving them a communication outlet using sign language? One of the biggest myths about teaching sign language is that it will hinder your child's verbal communication. This is simply untrue!...

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4 Ways to Teach Kids to Tie Shoes

4 Ways to Teach Kids to Tie Shoes

Learning how to tie shoes is an important milestone for self-care development in school aged children, which is often addressed by occupational therapists at TEAM 4 Kids. When you begin teaching your child how to tie shoes, try incorporating some of the following tips...

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Tips to Encourage Pincer Grasp

Tips to Encourage Pincer Grasp

Tips to Encourage Pincer Grasp What is pincer grasp? Pincer grasp is when the index finger and the thumb meet to pick up small objects in a controlled fashion, which typically emerges between 9 to 12 months of age. Why is pincer grasp important? Pincer grasp is...

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